Kolej International Graduate Studies

Centre of Achievement & Rewarding Experience

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The College

(Last updated : 1st September 2017)

The College

A hidden gem embedded within Kiulap and founded by the late Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Setia Jaya Pengiran Hj Abdul Momin Bin Pengiran Othman, Kolej International Graduate Studies was formed to guide students on their paths to realise their dreams of achieving higher academic qualifications. Kolej IGS is focussed on moulding their pathways through degrees in Information Technology and Business, and certificates and diplomas in Art & Humanities and Multimedia & Broadcasting.

Staying faithful to the founder’s vision to equip young Bruneians with highly relevant skills for maximum chances of employability, KIGS employs professionally qualified training staff committed to the needs of technical education and undergraduate studies. As for running programmes that are designed to produce industry-ready graduates, Kolej IGS has been accredited to run 3-year full-fledged degree programmes through an academic collaboration with Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT), Malaysia as from April 2011.

Diving back into Kolej International Graduate Studies’ past, KIGS is the first local tertiary level institution to be fully accredited by His Majesty`s Government through Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council (BDNAC), Ministry of Education in 2003 to run the Diploma courses of Brunei Darussalam Technical and Vocational Education Council (BDTVEC) and now the first to be accredited to run Degree Programmes.

It is our vision and mission to become a dynamic industry leader by providing leading edge tertiary-level education and professional training, catering both local and global human resources development needs, requirements and expectations.

KIGS will facilitate and support skilled human resource to His Majesty`s Government and the private sector by equipping our students with the critical skills and knowledge to assist in ensuring the continued development of Negara Brunei Darussalam in the 21st Century.

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