Kolej International Graduate Studies

Centre of Achievement & Rewarding Experience

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(Last updated : 1st September 2017)


The founder, Allayarham Yang Amat Mulia Pengiran Setia Jaya Pengiran Haji Abdul Momin bin Pengiran Othman, observed that there were many young people "MELEPAK" by the shops around Setia Kenangan Complex. He approached them and asked why were they not in schools. Their Replies:

"We have failed, repeated one year and failed. There are no more opportunities to continue."

"We cannot get into any public schools to continue because we do not have enough grades."

"we have the grades but cannot get into any public schools as the quota is limited."

Such were the dilemmas of our young people, the founder being once an educator himself divided. He converted the "block tengah" of his Setia Kenangan Complex to become an educational instituition to help and give these young people the opportunity that they needed. Thus, in January 9, 2002, he formed and registered a company named Kolej IGS SDN BHD.

The Board of Directors was then formed and chaired by Allahyarham Yang Amat Mulia himself. The appointed members were Datin Paduka Hajah Misli bte Haji Awang, Pg (DR) Hajah Fatimah binti PSJ Pg Haji Abdul Momin, Pg Hj Mohd Alimin bin PSJ Pg Haji Abdul Momin and the late Pg Hj Mohd Shahrimin bin PSJ Pg Hj Abdul Momin. The Board seeked approval from the Government of His Majesty for Kolej IGS as center of Educational Institution. The groundwork was formulated.

Originally, the Board intended to run undergraduate courses. But due to some technical problems and the profiles of the students, it was then decided to run certificate and diploma courses. These was also a clear demand for IT and Business programmes with the advent of Information era.


Year 2002 - 2003

9th JANUARY 2002
Registration of Kolej IGS Sendirian Berhad as a company. Kolej IGS became the first local private tertiary level institution to be fully accredited by His Majesty's Goverment through the Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council, Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam.

Year 2004

JULY 2004
Kolej IGS kicked off its first BDTVEC Pre-National Diploma and National Diploma programmes admission for Business and Finance, and Computer Studies with 35 students and 5 lecturers.

Year 2007

JULY 2004
Kolej IGS held its first convocation for BDTVEC Pre-National Diploma and National Diploma

JUNE 2004
Kolej IGS achieved another milestone when it launched the Higher National Diploma in Computing and Higher National Diploma in Business and Finance for full-time and part-time study mode.

Year 2010

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Kolej IGS and LimKokWing University of Creative Technology (LUCT), to start a collaborative degree programme that will be conducted completely locally.
The programms are :
  • Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Administration
  • Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Accounting
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Engineering With Multimedia

Year 2011

APRIL 2011
Marked our growth as a reputable tertiary education provider with our launching of Brunei ever first private institution to provide a 3-year full-fledged degree programmes conducted locally.

Visit by the BDTVEC Council led by the Deputy Minister (Ministry of Education) Yang Mulia Dato Seri Setia Haji Yusoff bin Haji Ismail.

Year 2012

Visit by His Royal Highness Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda 'Abdul Malik ibni Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah D.K.M.B., P.H.B.S.

APRIL 2012
First enrollment of LimKokWing University of Creative Technology Degree Programme and BDTVEC Diploma students under "Skim Pembangunan Keupayaan Sumber Tenaga Di Sektor Swasta" (PSTS) initiated by the Department of Economic Planning & Development, Prime Minister's Office.

Year 2013

APRIL 2013
Kolej IGS received the approval from the Ministry of Education to run four new diploma programmes under the collaborative agreement with LimKokWing University of Creative Technology:
  • Diploma in Animation and Multimedia Design
  • Diploma in Interactive Multimedia Design
  • Diploma in Graphic Design Technology
  • Diploma in Advertising, Multimedia and Broadcasting

MAY 2013
The 1st Graduation of our cohort undergraduate of the LimKokWing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) degree programme.

Year 2014

Enhancing the collaboration with LimKokWing University of Creative Technology.

Three final year students in the Bachelor Degree programme from Kolej IGS, Hj Ahmad Nabil bin Hj Awang Sulaiman, Md Kamarul Ariffin Zaki bin Harith Fadzilla and Md Hanif bin Hj Abd Wahab have won the BICTA 2014 under tertiary Project category. The team has built the system named "Mobile-Based Virtual Watch Fitting and Booking Application" based on Android operating System and Augmented Reality Technology.

Year 2015

JUNE 2015
Kolej IGS's football team, led by the captain, Ak Muhd Naqib bin Pg Timbang and 2 lecturers won the 1st runner-up prize at the BIBD AT-TAMWIL University Cup 2015.

JULY 2015
Pg (Dr.) Hjh Fatimah Binti PSJ Pg Hj Abdul Momin was awarded the Honorary Doctorate of Leadership in Education by LimKokWing University of Creative Technology.

"For the dedication, commitment, passion and perseverance, with which she is engaged in building a new generation of knowledgable and skilled youth in new technology for Brunei, LimKokWing University of Creative Technology feels privileged and honoured to bestow upon Pg Hjh Fatimah Binti PSJ Pg Hj Abdul Momin the Honorary Doctorate of Leadership in Education"

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