Kolej International Graduate Studies

Centre of Achievement & Rewarding Experience

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Cybersecurity Workshop Training will be offered at Kolej IGS Beginning From January 2023

By : ()
Kolej International Graduate Studies (Kolej IGS) is collaborating with EC-Council based in Singapore to introduce a cyber security workshop training in Brunei Darussalam. EC-Council is an International Council of E-Commerce Consultants whose headquarters is based in the USA. It is the world’s largest cyber security technical certification body operating in 145 countries globally. The initial target group to be trained in the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH) credential is the students of Kolej IGS to provide them with the industry-recognized credential. This programme will be offered to other participants who are interested in diversifying their cyber security skills and enhancing their work employability. The participants joining this programme credential will require an understanding of basic Computer literacy. The Kolej is also planning to offer higher level programmes of cyber credentials that include EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (C|HFI) and Certified Chief Information Security Officer (C|CISO). This will represent the beginning of a long journey towards enhancing our capacity to develop cyber security programmes leading to formally recognized qualifications required by the local industry

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